Tina and I having breakfast at the fanciest hotel in Antigua, Casa Santa Domingo. It was a beautiful place!

Somehow I always take out my camera when I'm with Kim. Here we are in Antigua at a roof top cafe called the Sky cafe. You can see the volcano behind us (faintly) and a very typical run down colonial building.

This is the cutest kid in the world. i don't know how she does it. Her name is Elizabeth and we played little games on the work site lots like putting rocks in a basket and pretending it was food. This is an incredible memory for me.

This is my small group and the family that we built a house for with Habitat for Humanity. This was an incredible experience for me. I was so honored to be welcomed into the lives of the people in this family. They are amazing.

This is my JOB! I'm mentoring one of the fabuloso students on our site. Kim and I are in Monterrico and our whole site is staying in beach bungalos. Needless to say I'm living a tough life ;)

Hanging out on the street in Antigua with a lady.

Tina, Lina, and me at the beach in Monterrico.

My co-leader Lars and I had a fancy dinner at Las Palmas

I'm making tortillas in a Mayan village. This was a really cool experience. We learned how to make coffee (right from picking it off the plant to ground coffee).